AISNSW Mental Health Services Directory
Find services in your local area
Welcome to the Mental Health Services Directory (the Directory).
The Directory has been designed by AISNSW to support member schools with accessing clear information about a curated selection of mental health services available in their region.
Schools may use the Directory to search for services enabling a streamlined and comprehensive pathway of care. Pathways for students’ mental health care could include early access to services, as well as signposting to the provision of targeted supports and services for students who are struggling or unwell.
Where students and their families engage with mental health services, a range of people may be involved including medical and allied health professionals. It is important that, wherever possible, mental health professionals collaborate with schools about the student’s support plan and with the family’s permission, communicate appropriate information to ensure the best possible outcomes for the student.
The services in the Directory have been reviewed and curated based on the service type, age-group, the threshold for the support provided, relevance of the services to schools, evidence-base of the program/interventions, accessibility of the service.

How do I search for mental health services?
Services may be searched for according to the following filters:
Grouped according to geographic areas across NSW and ACT
Organised according to the name of the service that provides mental health support
Universal supports and low intensity services for children and young people starting to experience challenges to their mental health for shorter periods of time.
Targeted services for children and young people experiencing challenges to their mental health and indicators may increase in severity and frequency.
Specialist services designed for children and young people whose mental health is significantly impacting on all areas of their ability to function day to day.
Age Group
Under 5 years
5 to 11 years
12 to 18 years
How do I use the directory?

How up to date are the contact details for the services included in the Directory?
The contact details for services are confirmed on a cyclical basis. Every effort is made to ensure details are current. Please contact a member of the Student Services team if you are aware that details have changed, if a service is not included or you have concerns around the appropriateness of any services listed.
Student Services: